Cash Financial Blog

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Back in the 1950s, the term “golden years” came into common usage thanks to an advertising campaign about retirement planning. Today, many people also use the term to refer to the wealth of wisdom and life experience we accrue by the time we reach this stage of life.

When you’ve spent a lifetime saving for your golden years, retirement can feel like a finish line of sorts. You might be tempted to stop concerning yourself so much with your finances and choose to simply enjoy your hard-earned savings instead. Of course, this would be a mistake! Careful financial

As the calendar flips to March, you might hear the term “March Madness” and think of the college basketball tournament. Of course, if this is the month when you’re trying to decipher your Medicare options, March Madness may take on a different meaning! We know that learning all there is

Medicare is a critical component of the American healthcare system, providing essential coverage for millions of seniors and individuals with certain disabilities. Yet, understanding Medicare and all its ins and outs can be a complex task. With its various parts and enrollment periods, navigating this healthcare program requires careful consideration

Happy New Year! Are you ready to get serious about your retirement plan this year? When you turn the page from December to January, it’s the ideal time to refocus on your retirement goals and set the stage for a financially secure future. Whether you’re already well into

When it comes to financial planning, one of the most profound acts of love you can show your family is early planning. However, many people put it off, whether because they’re busy or they don’t think they have “enough” assets yet. The truth is, though, that financial planning is a

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