Gaining Independence Through Social Security Benefits

The right Social Security strategy will help you maximize your benefits and enjoy greater financial security in retirement.

Social Security is a cornerstone of financial security for many retirees. In fact, about 40% of Americans rely on it as their sole source of income in retirement. While it’s best to have additional income streams, this government benefits program does provide a reliable source of income to help support a comfortable retirement. So, as […]

Mid-Year Adjustments to Ensure End-of-Year Success

A mid-year financial check-in will help you identify areas for improvement before reaching the year’s end.

If you’re like most people, you set goals for yourself in the New Year, and one more of them may have been financial in nature. If you feel like your resolutions have fallen by the wayside, you’re not alone. Luckily, the mid-year point offers a perfect time to assess your financial journey so far and […]

Annual Thanksgiving Meal Drive

Robin, along with her family, friends and Mount Olive Brethren Church have been assembling Thanksgiving meals for those in need since 2008! For weeks leading up to Thanksgiving our family shops for all the necessary ingredients for a traditional holiday meal. This year we were able to provide for 80 families to cook a Thanksgiving […]

Staunton Youth Bowling League Sponsor

Robin is a sponsor for the Staunton Youth Bowling League. This league encourages youth to get involved in local, state and national bowling events and tournaments. She proudly sponsors since her granddaughter is an avid bowler in the league. Because of her sponsorship they were able to bring in PBA bowlers for a youth clinic […]

2022-2023 Wilson Memorial High School Sponsor

2022-2023 Wilson Memorial High School Sponsor

Robin is a Gold sponsor for Wilson Memorial High School 2022-2023 sports season. Her donation helps buy new uniforms for student athletes. She is a proud sponsor since both of her grandsons (pictured) play football for Wilson.

Staunton Innovation Hub Conference Room

Staunton Innovation Hub Conference Room - Outside

The Cash Financial Team displays their commitment to supporting entrepreneurs by sponsoring a conference room at the Staunton Innovation Hub. The Innovation HUB is a co-working space that eliminates distractions by providing high-speed internet, meeting spaces, and an A/V room for motivated professionals. Our team is excited to watch the Cash Financial Conference Room become […]

Retirement Income Streams: Diversification for Financial Stability

Diversification for Financial Stability

The Power of Diversification in Securing Your Retirement Retirement is one of the most significant milestones in life. It represents the culmination of years of hard work and savings, but it also marks the beginning of a new financial chapter. Ensuring a comfortable and stable retirement requires careful planning, and a key component of that […]

Small Business Success: Financial Planning for Entrepreneurs

Financial Planning for Entrepreneurs

Increase Your Chances for Success by Gaining a Firm Hold on Your Business’ Finances Small businesses represent a crucial pillar of the U.S. economy, as they employ half of the nation’s private-sector workforce and are credited with roughly 63% of the new jobs that have been created from 1995 to 2021, as per federal statistics. […]

The Art of Financial Planning: Building a Solid Foundation

Essential Elements and Guiding Principles of Comprehensive Financial Planning Some people avoid financial planning because they feel overwhelmed by all the numbers. Whether you suffer from the very real condition of arithmophobia or you simply don’t feel like you understand enough about finances to tackle your own, then this article is for you. We’ll look […]

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