Financial Tips for Doctors with Student Loan Debt


How to Get Strategic About Tackling Your Medical School Costs Medical school can certainly be viewed as an investment – but it’s a costly one. Statistics show that the average student loan debt for college students is $28,950, while the average medical school debt is around $200,000. Even for doctors who are earning high salaries, it can be challenging to pay down such a hefty amount of educational debt. Feeling burdened by debt can seriously impact your finances, but it can wreak havoc on your emotional and physical well-being, too. If you’re a medical student or doctor looking to protect your net worth […]

Smart Financial Moves for Empty Nesters


Make the Most of Your Transition to a Child-Free Home After spending decades caring for children, it can be quite the adjustment to transition to being an empty nester. You’re likely to experience a wide range of emotions, and some of the choices you make during this transition can have a lasting impact on your well-being and lifestyle. That certainly includes your financial decisions so, as you transition into this new chapter of your life, take time to revisit your financial plan. Consider your future and read through the savvy smart financial moves below to help you along the […]

5 Common Mistakes High Earners Make


Avoid These Missteps and Get on the Path Toward Building True Wealth Having a high income can certainly make you feel wealthy. Maybe you’re enjoying a sprawling home, a fancy car, and the latest technological gadgets. However, what too many high earners fail to realize is that true wealth is much more than just a big paycheck that comfortably funds your current lifestyle. If you’d like to leverage your high income to establish long-lasting wealth and financial security, avoid the five common mistakes below.

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